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Awesome Google Ads Tips For Small Businesses

Google Ads Example Campaign Reporting
July 4, 2023 |

Google Ads, in essence, is like a mini online ad campaign in your pocket for local businesses – it’s effective, simple to use, and it won’t break your bank (if managed correctly). This digital marketing powerhouse is essential to advertising strategies for any small business. Learn how to make the most of it with these Google Ads tips and tricks recommended by experts. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Tip #1: Target Specific Keywords

Taking your internet marketing campaign to a global level is easy to do. But believe it or not, spreading your message on an international scale won’t get you more leads. In fact, you’re much better off if you stick with narrowing your target reach. Doing so will increase the percentage of your impressions and focus on the types of customers that you want (think quality, not quantity). To do this, try incorporating more specific keyword phrases that your leads are more likely to look up. For example, if your company sells certain types of high-quality garden herb plants, use phrases like “organic garden herb plants”, “culinary herb plants”, and “sweet basil seed packet” instead of “garden plants.”

Tip #2: Location Specific Keywords

If your business services a specific geographical location, you should also start including this location and surrounding locations in the keywords. For example, if your Herb Plants business is located in Sydney, Australia, use keywords like “organic garden herb plants Sydney” and “culinary herb plants Sydney”.

Tip #3: Utilize Google Ads’ Time Saving Features

Being the awesome marketing platform it is, Google Ads has updated its features over the years to help save you time. Campaign Diagnostics, for example, runs in the background to look for any potential conflicts to the keyword campaign with the Ads account. You can also run schedule reports from Ads to get timely data that snapshots a picture of how the campaign is working.

Tip #4: Don’t Link To Your Home Page For Leads

It may seem second nature to direct your leads to your website’s homepage, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Remember that your specific leads are looking to fulfill a specific promise, so it will take a lot more than a generic boring homepage to give them what they’re seeking. Taking the example of basil seeds, consider creating a “basil seeds” landing page that is optimized for this topic and built for lead generation. Using landing pages for your advertising campaigns will also help improve your Cost Per Click (CPC), thus reducing your ads spend.

Tip #5:  Show Your Ads In Google Maps

Your customers will be using their smartphones to search for your products, often these searched will result in them using Google Maps. Did you know, now you can also have your ad’s appears in the search results within Google maps. It’s simple to switch on. To switch on your ad’s for Google Maps login into your Google Ads account and enable location extensions.

Example of ads in Google Maps

Tip #6: Remember To Be Mobile Friendly!

The dawn of smartphones has ranked very close in importance to the establishment of the world wide web. Who doesn’t read content on your phone or tablet by now? That’s why it’s crucial to develop easy-to-read content on mobile devices when you set up your marketing leads for Google Ads. Most companies have reformatted their entire websites into mobile-friendly formats for this very reason. It’s even quite possible that smartphones are paving the way to more sophisticated supercomputer technology in the palm of your hand. Will you be ready for the future when that happens?

A Simple Tool With Powerful Results

While Google Ads is relatively simple to use for any local business, you can get even better results with little patience and smart planning strategies. More general SEO strategies used alongside Google Ads include using the right keywords for your audience, embed them in a relevant way and format your web pages for mobile devices. Your site can come out even stronger than ever before and gain better traffic results today!